"Pedestrians, Always Running" is a short video that explores the dynamics between pedestrians and cars in the city of Athens. Its aim is to highlight how drivers' disrespect for traffic rules creates a chaotic, ruleless flow—one that seems to go unnoticed or unchallenged by most people. It’s as if the right to occupy (and temporarily "own") public space for actions like crossing the street has become less obvious—and, paradoxically, less worth fighting for. The video alternates between documentation of Athens' traffic and sarcastic commentary aimed at waking up the unaware.
"Pedestrians, Always Running" is a short video that explores the dynamics between pedestrians and cars in the city of Athens. Its aim is to highlight how drivers' disrespect for traffic rules creates a chaotic, ruleless flow—one that seems to go unnoticed or unchallenged by most people. It’s as if the right to occupy (and temporarily "own") public space for actions like crossing the street has become less obvious—and, paradoxically, less worth fighting for. The video alternates between documentation of Athens' traffic and sarcastic commentary aimed at waking up the unaware.